by DonOfDen
Posted on 01 Mar 2021
Tags: aws cognito cloudfront cf s3 signed cookies userpool lambda lambda@edge chalice
This article covers an approach on how to protect sensitive parts of your Application by leveraging both frontend and backend Authorization, AWS Cognito, Lambda@Edge and CloudFront.
Let’s suppose we have an S3 static web application which we want to provide access to authorised users.
A potential solution is to add Cognito based login for authenticate and CloudFront to authorize the user to access the website. i.e. Cognito will validate the user and provide a JWT token, with which we will request to a CloudFront Belaviour and Lambda@edge will validate our JWT token and generate signed cookies then redirect with S3 bucket.
Following are the AWS service used to achieve the above solution. Its a long trip! but worth it!
Along with a simple JS script and Python Script for Lambda@Edge which we developed using chalice.
Ok, Lets go step by step.
If you want to view the above diagram clearly, Paste the following text in
title Coginito Login + CF Flow
Browser->S3_Public_Bucket:User Request for Application Application i.e. ****
note over S3_Public_Bucket: **/public/* **(index.html + login detector in js)
note over S3_Public_Bucket: Some Js will detect that no auth token is present and rediect to cognito
S3_Public_Bucket->Cognito: Redirect to Cognito
Cognito->Browser: Send Cognito login screen to User/Browser
Browser->Cognito: Cognito Browser Validate Login - UserDetials
Cognito->Browser: User logs in and gets JWT from cognito
note left of S3_Public_Bucket: In **/public/index.html ** get JWT token and **Request /private/login**
Browser->CloudFront: Request **/private/login **
note over CloudFront,Lambda@Edge: CF Behaviour Lambda@Edge will check JWT is valid and create signed cookes
CloudFront->Lambda@Edge: CF Behaviour
Lambda@Edge->CloudFront: Signed Cloudfront Cookies + 302 Redirect
note left of S3_Private_Bucket: **Request /private/index.html**
note right of CloudFront: Redirect to **/private/index.html** with signed cookies
# Browser->CloudFront: Signed Cookies
# note left of CloudFront: Cloudfront checks cookies are signed (This has been achived with CF config settings)
CloudFront->S3_Private_Bucket: Private S3 (emis-research-ui)
S3_Private_Bucket->Browser: DonOfDen UI
Cognito is a relatively new offering proving Identity Management for Apps and Services, including profile management and multi-factor authentication.
User pool provides features to control user sign up, sign in and user management with more advanced features. Follow the steps below to create a user pool.
The next page will display the default settings. It is possible to customize features such as user attributes, password policies, verification by email or phone and Multi-factor authentication settings. To keep things simple, Click “Create pool”.
Copy the generated “Pool Id” from “General settings” section as below.
Go to “App Clients” section and click “Add an app client”.
Give an “App client name” and uncheck “Generate client secret” as below. The reason for this is because, to quote from AWS document “When creating the App, the generate client secret box must be unchecked because the JavaScript SDK doesn’t support apps that have a client secret.” — AWS Document. Click “Create app client”.
Identity pool gives AWS resource access after it verifies the token provided to it, is a valid token generated by a registered authentication provider. In this case the authentication provider that will be registered with the Identity pool will be the AWS Cognito authentication provider that was created in step previous step.
Go to AWS IAM Service -> Roles and find the role “Cognito_web_app_loginAuth_Role” and click “Attach policies”.
Search and add “AmazonS3FullAccess” as below and click “Attach policy”. Now any authenticated user that will assume this role will have access to work with AWS S3.
Lets Create 2 Buckets one for Public Access the Second for Private Content.
Note: For Public Bucket refer the following.
Note: For Private Bucket refer the following.
"AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
"AllowedMethods": ["POST", "GET", "PUT"],
"AllowedOrigins": ["*"],
"ExposeHeaders": []
Go to this Github Repo and get the code for the “public_s3_website” folder. This is a very simple static html page with Javascript which will check for token in URl and redirect to appropriate path.
Check the onload="getToken()"
function in body for clear understanding.
Open config.js
file and update the following.
var UserPoolId = "USER_POOL_ID";
var ClientId = "APP_CLIENT_ID";
var AWSRegion = "eu-west-2";
var BaseUrl = "CLOUD_FRONT_URL";
will be generated in next step.
Upload the files to S3 Bucket.
For Private Bucket content, Go to this Github Repo and get the code for the “private_s3_website” folder. This is a very simple static html page, we will see once on succesfull login. Upload the files to S3 Bucket.
We need to create 3 CloudFront Behaviors as like below image.
First add Origins and Origin Groups
, Add the Private & Public
S3 created in the above steps.
For Default(*)
Public Behaviour:
Origin or Origin Group
- Public Bucket
For private/login
to validate JWT:
Lets first create a Lambda@edge
Lambda@Edge is a service that allows you to execute Lambda functions that modify the behaviour of CloudFront specifically. Lambda@Edge simply runs during the request cycle and makes logical decisions that affect the delivery of the CloudFront content.
We need to create a Lambda@Edge function that will validate authorization with JWT when the related chunk is requested.
First of all, create a new Lambda in N. Virginia — where all Lambda@Edge functions live.
Any request to private/login
will be subject to authorization using JWT that client is expected to send in the headers. Validation of JWT token consists of the following steps:
Check if the JWT token is present and has a valid structure Ensure that JWT token was generated by the trusted User Pool Validate JWT signature.
The full code is available in the GitHub repository.
Useful Resource:
to get - JWKSSet-Cookie:
- CloudFront-Policy
- CloudFront-Signature
- CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id
Please Refer code in repo for detailed understanding.
Once the Lambda is deployed copy the ARN
, we need to add the ARN to cloudfront behaviour.
Create a new Behavior for private/login
Cache Policy
for the above Behavior
Create a new Behavior for private/app/*
- Represents anything inside app/
Note: Its important add Trusted Key Groups
please refer - Create a key pair for a trusted key group: Kindy update the key to Secret Manager and refer in the lambda.
Refer the following image and copy the Doman Name
of the Distribution and try access it.
You will be re-direct to default page, index.html
field in Public S3 Bucket
It will check for JWT
token in the URL, else redirect to Cognito
Once successful login, cognito will redirect to index.html
in Public S3 Bucket
If the URl has idtoken
, The JS
present in the index.html
file will redirect the user to private/login
The Lambda@Edge associated with the Behaviour
will validate the JWT
token with Private Key
and JWKS
Upon successful validation, The Lambda@Edge code will attach Signed Cookies
and redirect to private/app/index.html
The redirection will pass via CloudFront
the CF will check the signed cookies and authorise the user to access the Private S3 Bucket
You will see the following content from Private S3 Bucket
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