Array vs Slice vs Map

by DonOfDen

Posted on 20 Sep 2019

Tags: go golang map array slice range map

Array vs Slice vs Map



  • Arrays hold collections of values that all share the same type.
  • Index start with 0

Array Type Example:

// Aray of String
var myStringArray [2]string
myStringArray[0] = "Hey, "
myStringArray[1] = "You!"

// Integer Array
var myIntegerArray [2]int
myIntegerArray[0] = 1
myIntegerArray[1] = 2

// Time Array
var dates [1]time.Time
// Assign values
dates[0] = time.Unix(1257894000,0)

Zero values in arrays

blog-head-image blog-head-image

Fun Stuff

var counters [3]int

Array literals

If you know in advance what values an array should hold, you can initialize the array with those values using an array literal.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	intArray := [...]int{10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

	fmt.Println("\n---------------Example 1--------------------\n")
	for i := 0; i < len(intArray); i++ {

	fmt.Println("\n---------------Example 2--------------------\n")
	for index, element := range intArray {
		fmt.Println(index, "=>", element)


	fmt.Println("\n---------------Example 3--------------------\n")
	for _, value := range intArray {

	j := 0
	fmt.Println("\n---------------Example 4--------------------\n")
	for range intArray {

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So far OK! Lets Answer this!



  • A slice is like an array which is a container to hold elements of the same data type but slice can vary in size.
  • slice is a composite data type and because it is composed of primitive data type.
  • slice is a reference to an array. (slice when needed to store more data, creates a new array of appropriate length behind the scene to accommodate more data.)

Slice Literal

  • Just like with arrays, if you know in advance what values a slice will start with, you can initialize the slice with those values using a slice literal


  • [start:end] extract operator
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	s := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
	fmt.Println("s", s)
	fmt.Println("s[:]", s[:])
	fmt.Println("s[2:]", s[2:])
	fmt.Println("s[:4]", s[:4])
	fmt.Println("s[2:4]", s[2:4])

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The slice operator

  • Every slice is built on top of an underlying array. It’s the underlying array that actually holds the slice’s data; the slice is merely a view into some (or all) of the array’s elements.

  • Change the underlying array, change the slice

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  • We can use any type in map index, Whereas arrays and slices can only use integers as indexes, a map can use any type for a keys (As long as values of that type can be compared using ==).

  • The values & Keys all have to be of same type. But keys and values dont have to be the same type.

Slice & Map use Make function.



Short Variable Declaration


Map literals


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Map
	fmt.Println(" Map")
	m := make(map[string]int)
	m["one"] = 12
	m["two"] = 05

	fmt.Println("Map: ", m)

	for key, value := range m {
		fmt.Println("key:", key, " value:", value)

	// Length Of Map
	len := len(m)
	fmt.Println("Length: ", len)

	// Map Literal
	fmt.Println("\n Map Literal")
	ranks := map[string]int{"bronze": 3, "silver": 2, "gold": 1}
	fmt.Println("Map Literal: ", ranks)

	for key, value := range ranks {
		fmt.Println("key:", key, " value:", value)
	// Zero Values within maps
	fmt.Println("\n Zero Values within maps: ", ranks["iron"])
	value, ok := ranks["iron"]
	//value, ok := ranks["gold"]
	if !ok {
		fmt.Println("\nThere is no such key as 'iron' in map")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("\nValue: ", value)

	elements := map[string]string{
		"H":  "Hydrogen",
		"Li": "Lithium",
	fmt.Println("\nMap Literal: ", elements)
	for key, value := range elements {
		fmt.Println("key:", key, " value:", value)

	fmt.Println("\n Map - Delete: Li")

	delete(elements, "Li")
	for key, value := range elements {
		fmt.Println("key:", key, " value:", value)

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Using for..range loops with maps






Array & Slice


Difference between map and slice in terms of performance.

Click to expand! ## Difference between map[int]bool and []bool in terms of performance. ```Go package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) // Difference between map[int]bool, and []bool in terms of performance. func main() { // function that sums up the proper divisors of a number: mapFun() sliceFun() } func divisorsSum(n int) int { sum := 1 for i := 2; i*i <= n; i++ { if n%i == 0 { sum += i if n/i != i { sum += n / i } } } return sum } func mapFun() { // Map start := time.Now() defer func() { elapsed := time.Since(start) fmt.Printf(" Map - Time: %s\n", elapsed) }() n := 28123 abundant := []int{} for i := 12; i <= n; i++ { if divisorsSum(i) > i { abundant = append(abundant, i) } } sums := map[int]bool{} for i := 0; i < len(abundant); i++ { for j := i; j < len(abundant); j++ { if abundant[i]+abundant[j] > n { break } sums[abundant[i]+abundant[j]] = true } } sum := 0 for i := 1; i <= 28123; i++ { if _, ok := sums[i]; !ok { sum += i } } fmt.Println(sum) } func sliceFun() { // slice startSlice := time.Now() defer func() { elapsed := time.Since(startSlice) fmt.Printf(" Slice - Time: %s\n", elapsed) }() nSlice := 28123 abundantSlice := []int{} for i := 12; i <= nSlice; i++ { if divisorsSum(i) > i { abundantSlice = append(abundantSlice, i) } } sumsSlice := make([]bool, nSlice) for i := 0; i < len(abundantSlice); i++ { for j := i; j < len(abundantSlice); j++ { if abundantSlice[i]+abundantSlice[j] < nSlice { sumsSlice[abundantSlice[i]+abundantSlice[j]] = true } else { break } } } sumSlice := 0 for i := 0; i < len(sumsSlice); i++ { if !sumsSlice[i] { sumSlice += i } } fmt.Println(sumSlice) } ``` The above code will output something sililar tot he following: ``` 4179871 Map - Time: 360.206747ms 4179871 Slice - Time: 43.404627ms ```